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Saturday, May 1, 2010

WWE Links.


John Cena (picture)

                                                 This is John Cena  www.compcamps.com/bchmielnicki/john-cena-phot...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Shawn Micheals (picture)

this is Shawn Micheals img.allposters.com/6/LRG/12/1248/M71T000Z.jpg/

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My other blog

Hi guys i just wanted to tell you that my other blog is Joshua-CP-ClubPenguin.blogspot.com

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What happened on Extreme Rules

In Extreme Rules Rey Mysterio was versing cm punk if cm punck loses he has to shave his hair.If Rey Mysterio loses well cm punk wins. First Rey Mysterio was getting the upper hand by diving kicking and everything then cmpunk got the upper hand by kicking punching and clothesline. But when Rey Mysterio was getting the upper hand again a stranger came out of the ring and put a chair in the ring. When the referee was focusing on throwing away the steel chair he attacked Rey Mysterio then he was K.O. When he got up cm punk came and did the G.T.S on him then he got knoked out badly. then cm punk pined him 1 2 3 than cmpunk won. The other match was Shad vs JTG in a strap match. First JTG got the upper hand then Shad did. But then Shad choked him when he was toching the ring sides JTG touched the ring sides when Shad wasn't looking. then JTG did a weird clotesline then touched the fourth side then JTG won. The other match was Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger for the World Heavyweight Championship. First Randy Orton was punching and punching him. Then Jack Swagger took the upper hand but when Randy Orton got him on the ground he was going to do RKO but when he saw the steel chair he opened the steel chair. When he was doing RKO on steel chair he missed and his back bent the chair then Jack Swagger did His powerbomb than he won still holding the world heavyweight championship.

Over the limit.

Hi guys. Over the limit is coming in May 23 2010. If you want to watch it buy paperview. If you want to watch it for free then go on http://www.channelsurfing.net/. Channelsurfing.net is way easier because it is free

Sincerly Joshua Vanvield

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Extreme Rules!

HI, you guys know that extreme rules is coming in minutes by looking at my countdown. I just want to tell you that you need to by paperview to watch it. Here is a secret go on channel surfing.com and you could watch it free.